Double Treble/Triple Crochet (DTR)

Here is the step by step instruction for crocheting the double treble/triple crochet stitch.

1. Yarn over 3 times.

Double Treble/Triple Crochet (DTR) - step by step instruction by Pingo - The Pink Penguin

2. Insert the hook in the specified stitch.

Double Treble/Triple Crochet (DTR) - step by step instruction by Pingo - The Pink Penguin

3. Yarn over and draw up a loop.

Double Treble/Triple Crochet (DTR) - step by step instruction by Pingo - The Pink Penguin

4. Yarn over and draw through the first 2 loops on the hook.

Double Treble/Triple Crochet (DTR) - step by step instruction by Pingo - The Pink Penguin

Double Treble/Triple Crochet (DTR) - step by step instruction by Pingo - The Pink Penguin

5. Yarn over and draw through 2 loops on the hook again.

Double Treble/Triple Crochet (DTR) - step by step instruction by Pingo - The Pink Penguin

6. Yarn over and draw through 2 loops on the hook again.

Double Treble/Triple Crochet (DTR) - step by step instruction by Pingo - The Pink Penguin

7. Yarn over and draw through the 2 remaining loops on the hook. The finished double treble crochet stitch will look like that.

Double Treble/Triple Crochet (DTR) - step by step instruction by Pingo - The Pink Penguin

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